Peer Review

Instructions: Please upload your proposal per Nancy’s instructions in class so they can be easily shared with your peers.

As a reviewer, please remember to…

Concentrate on your own response to the paper rather than rendering judgment. Use the first person (e.g., “I hear…”, “I didn’t understand…”, “I’m confused about…”, “I’d like to hear more about…”, “I couldn’t follow…”).

Avoid using the second person (e.g., “you should”, “you need to”, “you ought to”). Responses are a clear guide because they enable the writer to rethink the issues on his/her own. Your responses (1st person) are easier to listen to and accept, and in thus in the end more effective, than your judgments (2nd person).

Peer review questions to answer:

  • Is the first paragraph an adequate statement of the problem statement? Did you know from the first paragraph clearly the gap they were trying to fill?
  • Did each paragraph/section add to the argument/ the need for this in the world?
  • Did the writer support this in a convincing manner?
  • Is there sufficient detail in the schedule to convince you that this project is feasible?
  • What was most effective about the proposal? What needs the most revision?

Please submit your revisions to Blackboard one week from today!

Things to do for Tuesday 9/27

We are moving onward!

As a group work on Module 2: Research in Design
You can work together in person, totally on zoom, or a hybrid; you decide what works for your group.

{Community Partner Students}

  • Please read through the word doc posted at the top of the page here.
  • Stephanie will be sending an email to partners introducing group members, so look out for that!
  • Once you receive that email please reach out to your partners and make a date to schedule an initial zoom conversation (30 minutes).

On Tuesday we will go over how to write a Preliminary Proposal (which will be due 9/29)

Just breathe. Then…

Ask yourself, do I want to devote the next seven months working on this project?

Yes, then you are ready for Thursday.

Maybe, then you need to schedule a meeting with your potential group and flush out details.

No, then send Nancy and I an email. Better to get separated now than divorced in March (trust me).

On Thursday: We will talk about research and how it applies to the capstone course and proposal – focusing on citations, navigating our website and databases, keyword searches, and just generally setting up appointments!

The we will take pictures of the capstone groups to appear in the fall newsletter and at graduation, so be sure to attend!

Capstone Groups are forming!

Wow, this is so exciting. Your passions and skills are coming together this week to form the capstone groups you will commit your entire senior year of study to. Here are the next steps (due before class starts on Miro):

  • If your capstone idea appears on the YELLOW board: rewrite it and paste this new improved version on Problem Statements Moving Forward. (Fiona, Tasheem, Suman and Liam, that you)
  • If you have a Community Partner, then add your bio (3-4 sentences) to the Community Partner Bio board. This explains to your community partner who you are and what skills you bring to the table. This is a shorten version of your personal statement. More info here.
  • If you are a free agent: You are looking for a project to join and should complete the free agent card. Use Yassine’s as an example.

Tomorrow we will help you co-create capstone groups for our formal announcement on Thursday!

Community Partner (recap) + Tuesday

Thank you for your attention and thoughtful questions to our community partners.  Please find their pitches linked below:

For Tuesday: If you think you want to join a community partner for your capstone experience, you do not need to write a problem statement for Tuesday. If you want to pitch a capstone of your own design for your peers to join, then please translate that idea into a problem statement and post to Miro (linked below):

  1. Post your problem statement in MIRO. (by 9/13)*

Everyone complete the readings in module 1. Understanding the Design Process.

Tuesday IN CLASS we will vote on whether problem statements are a viable capstone.

5 Clarifications.

Steph and Nancy’s TOP Five things that need clarified:

  1. Complete the readings in Module 1 for Thursday so we are all on the same page about HCD and problem statements. This is all you need to do for next class.
  2. The community partnerships: Options for your capstone year would be to join a community partnership (if you are so inspired) and work with one of our partners after you hear their pitch Thursdayor- you can design your own capstone and present a problem you want to share with the class on Tuesday 9/13.
  3. Another question arose about the voice thread assignment. It did not require audio or video – it was a chance for you to showcase your skills and a way for us to get to know each other.
  4. Let Nancy AND I know if you have questions by emailing us both!
  5. NEXT CLASS is on ZOOM!


Can you hear me?

It was nice see you and hear you today. Sorry you could not hear me, it was hard to convey my enthusiasmso excited for working with you when I was pretty much MUTE! At least we had Wifi (better than yesterday).

A reminder to please complete the following for Tuesday:

  1. The Academic Honesty Quiz. (…and Watch the Creative Commons Video if you have not seen it yet )
  2. Set up a time with your partner to interview them so you can complete the assignment due next class. All the info you need to know about the biography assignment is on Blackhole Blackboard
  3.  Still need your Adobe Suite license? Email

Have a great weekend!